Rise of Nations Wiki

Heavy Cavalry are the strongest type of Cavalry, requiring both Metal Metal and Wealth Wealth to recruit. They are strong against Light Infantry, Archers and Light Cavalry but weak against Heavy Infantry, and vulnerable to Ranged Cavalry using hit-and-run tactics.

Starting in the Industrial Age Industrial Age, Heavy Cavalry can be upgraded to Tanks, giving them substantial damage, armour, and hit point upgrades, in addition to a ranged attack.

Upgrade Table

Age Unit Type
Ancient Age Ancient Age None Unavaliable
Classical age small Classical Age Cataphract Heavy Cavalry
Medieval Age Medieval Age Knight Heavy Cavalry
Gunpowder Age Gunpowder Age Heavy Knight Heavy Cavalry
Enlightenment Age Enlightenment Age Cuirassier Heavy Cavalry
Industrial Age Industrial Age Light Tank Tanks
Modern Age Modern Age Tank Tanks
Information Age Information Age Main Battle Tank Tanks
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