Rise of Nations Wiki
Building Overview Technologies Game Strategies CBP Version History
  • Forts are considerable investments and are quite powerful against most units. However, virtually all siege equipment has greater range than even upgraded forts, allowing a patient player to simply whittle down a fort's health safely out of range. This can be done both on land with traditional siege equipment and on sea with bombardment and heavy bombardment ships. Heavy ships can function as shore bombardment naval units as well.
  • In addition, Forts have no ability to attack air units whatsoever, making them especially vulnerable in the Industrial Age and above unless supported by some sort of air defense.
  • Have a Fort in your capital to reinforce its defense.
  • Garrison Foot Archers into a Fort until it has 6 attack units. It can prove to be deadly against invading troops.
  • Never build a Fort stranded all by itself. Build Towers and Air Defenses (if the prerequisites are met) to add extra defense to it.
  • Since Forts exert border push, building Forts can help control more territory. In the same logic, if No Rush is enabled, Forts can help secure territory when the player has a lead in Civic Research. Territory is linked with Taxation and Caravan income.